Random Tuesday Thoughts: Whirlwind

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

It's Tuesday, and thanks to Keely, that gives me permission to spew random thoughts and call it a Blog Post.

~ I had to purchase a 26 inch duffel bag in New York City to bring home all the swag I received at BlogHer. My love and I shared one suitcase for our clothes. That was a borrowed suitcase so we needed the duffel bag anyway. We could have shipped it home but I wouldn't have had control over that. I haven't even gone through the swag. The duffel bag has moved from one corner to another. Mr. Potato Head only made his entrance into our lives because Princess Patalie can't stay away from the bag. It's like Christmas for a kid!

~ I'm knee deep in Football and Cheerleading. In fact, it's taken over my life. In a good way. I think. Thankfully the kids are in the same organization, so it's one field and the same day/time. I love to see The Z-Man tackle another kid or sack the Quarterback. Princess Patalie is a typical cheerleader. Bubbly, cheerful and coordinated. Unlike her mom. Did I mention that I'm the Team Mom? Oh yes, I am. I'm in control of the emails, the flyers, the snack schedule, planning Homecoming and the Banquet. Most importantly, I get to wear the Team Mom shirt. The idea that this makes me happy, most certaintly leads to a deeper issue, one that I'm not ready to deal with. Moving on...

~ I'm playing the Mega Millions tonight. I would like to play every week but I usually forget. Then the bills pile up, my money tree is nowhere to be found and I start to panic. What better way to quell my financial worries then spend $1 in hopes of winning Millions. Never mind the odds.

~ I'm still in awe that my son is taller than me. I keep staring at him and picturing him in Diapers. When I tell him this, he looks at me with his big eyes and backs away slowly. He probably still has nightmares of that time when he was 10 and I attempted to pick him up and hold him in my lap.

I never know how to end these things. Just go check out Keely. It'll make you feel better




4 Responses to “Random Tuesday Thoughts: Whirlwind”
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My oldest is seven and he's not far from having feet as big as mine. He's so big now. Weights--I need weights to put on his head so he slows down the growing-just a bit.

Yeah, the swag was CRAZY. Mine is all sitting on the dining room table, and I have no idea what to do with it all.

I play Mega Millions religiously. It's the only thing that keeps me sane. One of these days, I'll win (this is me not thinking about the odds).

@VandyJ Weights on his head! Love that idea! Isn't it crazy how one minute our kids are little people, the next HUGE!

@Maria Mine is still in the bag. I keep thinking I'll sit down and go through it one night but then I can find a million other things to do instead.

@Roxy I completely understand about keeping you sane. Me too....me too...

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