Random Tuesday Thoughts: My Crazy Eye, an MRI & a Road Trip

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

If you follow me on Twitter you may have seen my tweets about my right eye acting like a fool. I woke up last Thursday and my eye was tender, felt swollen and extremely uncomfortable. I went to work and ignored it. I figured it must be sinuses or allergies. I woke up Friday and it still hurt. It looked like it was bulging out of my head. And again I went to work and tried to ignore it. Later in the afternoon, it started to feel like there was something in my eye. The something felt like it was behind my eyeball. I had a horrible headache and cloudy vision. I freaked out.

I called my doctor and they took me in right away. My primary care doctor seemed very alarmed. She called an Ophthalmologist in the same building and he agreed to see me. Dr. G throughly examined my eyes including dilating them. I almost lost my mind when I couldn't see anything on my Blackberry. After 4 hours, my right eye had Dr. G stumped. He called a Neuro-Ophthalmologist for his opinion. Dr. K agreed to see me yesterday afternoon. Thankfully I passed all my tests. It doesn't appear that I have Optic Neuritis. What I do have is still a mystery.

I went for an MRI this evening. One hour of sitting completely still and trying not to move my eyes was exhausting. I made the decision to keep my eyes closed the entire time. Once all the scans without contrast were completed and I was waiting for the tech I opened my eyes. BIG MISTAKE! I was this close to a panic attack. Have you ever had your brain and orbits MRI'd? (yes, it's a word) So now I wait for results. I still have the eye pain but not as severe. My visual acuity is not 100%. I still have the headache. It stills feels like there is something in my eye. My crazy right eye.

In other news (this is where the random comes in)

* My 11 year old son wants skinny jeans. He is in fact obsessed with them. He knows what stores carry them for boys/men, the price and colors. I guess I need to take him to buy a pair or skinny jeans. I'm not sure how I feel about this.

* We're going to San Antonio at the end of the month. Kids spring break and a much needed vacay. I've got a rental car lined up and we are driving. Across the country. To Texas. From Maryland. According to Google Maps, the trip will take 1 day and 1 hour. Or as I like to tell people 1,615 miles. Why drive? It wasn't my first choice, but airfare ranged from $1,200-1,400. I get sick just thinking about spending that much money. So ROAD TRIP!!!!!!!!

Come play with Keely and get Random.




One response to “Random Tuesday Thoughts: My Crazy Eye, an MRI & a Road Trip”
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Damn that crazy eye! I hope it gets better, babe. I wish I could join you girls in TX, but I'll just keep working on those plans to get to DC with the fam =D

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