I'm back home after four incredibly busy days at BlogHer in New York City. I didn't have the full conference pass and I regret this decision. I would have liked to attend the keynote and a few of the sessions. Breakfast would have been a nice touch as well. I am still processing the experience. I don't know if I can put into words how much fun I had. The conference was everything I expected it to be and more. I have a few posts in mind to share with you this week. To get started, here are a few things I learned as a BlogHer virgin:
Never leave your hotel room until you are dressed in decent clothes, hair done and makeup on. I decided to wear shorts and t-shirts during the day. I would leave my hotel room for what I thought would be a few minutes. Inevitably I would run into bloggers on my “I HAVE to meet her” list while looking a hot mess. Then there was the time when I was asked by PepsiCo to answer a few questions for an internal memo on what women want from Brands. That was completely unexpected, and I was on video looking shitastic. I did have some valid points which I’ll share tomorrow.
Four days away from home is the perfect amount of time to miss your kids (regardless of their age) and your own bed. I’ve spent plenty of time away from my kids whether it was a quick weekend getaway, a weeklong stay in Jamaica or a 4 day jaunt to Vegas. BlogHer was overwhelming on all counts. When Sunday rolled around I was done. Talking to my kids on the phone tugged at my heart strings. Four days is the perfect balance of guilt free not in mommy mode time and gives you a chance to miss the little buggers.
Eating food and drinking water is something I do on a daily basis. Except at BlogHer. I was constantly on the go and I barely ate. I had two sit down meals total. Add in a cupcake from Magnolia Bakery, Halal or “Street Meat” from the cart outside the hotel, a few slices of pizza and snacks from the Expo. That was it. Bring snacks and buy water for your hotel room. One can not exist on Cranberry and Vodka forever.
Never ever walk barefoot through the streets of New York City. Sure your feet are swollen and in pain from walking from party to party in high heels. This is why cabs were invented. Spend the money, save your feet. That’s my new motto. I left Aiming Low’s EZPZ party and walked barefoot to BarHer. I initially felt relief from taking the shoes off. However, pounding the pavement barefoot is absolutely disgusting and actually bad for you. When I left Ray’s Pizza carrying a slice of pepperoni in one hand and my shoes in another, a friendly New Yorker made sure to tell me I was doing serious damage to my feet. Who knew there were street Podiatrists offering free advice at 2:30 in the morning! Only in New York.
Bloggers are people too. Just like you and me. Small, medium or large blog. 5 readers or 5,000. It doesn’t matter. Don’t be intimated by anyone! I went to the Expo alone as well as a few parties. When I saw a blogger that I read and love, I went right up to them and introduced myself. I went in knowing they wouldn’t haven’t a clue who I was and that was okay. Step out of your comfort zone. You only live once. There will always be that one blogger who thinks she walks on water and is too good to speak to you. It happened to me. I had about twenty bloggers I wanted to meet. I just wanted them to know that I enjoyed their blog, they make me laugh, or they take amazing pictures. Out of twenty women only one blew me off. The other 19 were friendly, endearing, offered up hugs, exchanged business cards with me and were humbled by my compliments. Considering this is a conference for women, by women and women can be bitches, I consider this a win-win.
Come visit me tomorrow when I share my thoughts on BlogHer and Social Media. Later in the week I’ll share pictures, the parties, and an abundance of exclamation points!!!!!!!!
6 Responses to “What I Learned at BlogHer 2010”
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Sounds like an awesome time. Can't wait to hear about the rest of your trip!
1/20 is very good odds! So glad you had a good time. I am going to pop my BlogHer virgin cherry in San Diego next year. I need all the tips I can get!
hahha you crack me up! love you babe
it was awesome to meet you, lady! thanks for bein' so nice to me!
I'm so glad we had a chance to meet in person! Yay!
@Michelle It was awesome! I'll have my final post up today.
@Vixen I totally agree about 1/20 being very good odds. I can't wait to see you in San Diego next year.
@Tom The Girl Love you too! So glad we were BlogHer virgin roomies.
@Kat It was great to meet you too!
@Twenty Four Me too! You are a sweetheart!
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