Random Tuesday Thoughts: Day by Day

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

I spent all day Saturday cleaning the carpets in our living and dining rooms. It looks amazing! Well worth the effort, time and sore right arm. What sucks is that I returned the carpet cleaner to my friend yesterday. She went to use it today and the clean water canister has a chip in it. I noticed it went I went to use but thought it was already like that. It must have happened when I lugged it from her house to mine. I feel terrible. I offered to buy a replacement part.

Sunday, my love and I went to the National March for Equality walk and rally in DC. After we volunteered for President Obama's Inauguration I became fearful of large crowds and being trampled. I don't know the exact numbers but I would guess there were at least 2,500 people marching. I enjoyed walking with my girlfriend, watching her take pictures, and being in an environment where I'm free to be me. I'll be blogging more about the event and posting pictures later this week.

Monday was a bitch. Monday's are always this way. We don't get along. We've never seen eye to eye on anything. I did attend Open House at my kids school which is always interesting. I started out visiting 1st grade. My daughter broke out into a HUGE grin when I walked in the class. They broke out into reading groups and I tried not to give her the answers to the questions in her packet. I made one girl stop picking her nose and then wash her hands. I was surprised with the amount of smack talk and tattle-telling among 6 year olds. I then made my way to the middle school. Walked into my 6th graders reading class. All the girls immediately let it be known that I had entered the class. The boys pointed out an empty seat right next to my son. Ummm, no that's okay. He's already embarrassed. My son gave me a half grin and then started tapping his foot. 6th grade is very similar to 1st grade. Lots of talking without raising your hand, banter back and forth and giggles. Thankfully there wasn't any nose picking.

Today my son woke me up very early because his stomach hurt. He is having sharp pains right below his belly button. He rarely gets sick. He's been kinda blah lately. I called his doctor as soon as they opened and made an appointment. The doctor was very thorough and spent at least 30 minutes with us. He doesn't think it's appendicitis. Possibly IBS, or a lactose issue. He said if it is viral it should be gone by now. He drew some blood (it was my son's first time and he did great) and ordered a tummy x-ray. He wants to rule out Celiac Disease, Crohn's Disease and some other issues. The tummy x-ray came back normal. So now it's sit and wait. Which I hate because my baby boy doesn't feel well and I can't help him.

Tonight my daughter has a Cheerleading Clinic for a few hours. Wednesday she has Karate. Thursday she has the Cheerleading Clinic again. Friday she has Pre-Hip Hop Dancing AND she'll be cheering at a local high school Football Game. She's one busy little peanut.

I plan to spend the rest of the week trying to remain calm. Oooh, just remembered I'm taking a training class tomorrow at work. The title: How To Manage Emotions & Excel Under Pressure. How appropriate.




2 Responses to “Random Tuesday Thoughts: Day by Day”
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That's a lot of people, I would've been fearful of the large crowd also.

I'm the opposite when it comes to mondays, for now at least. Being a SAHM, that's when everyone else leaves for the day and now it's just me, now that all the kids are finally in school. So it's great for me. But now I'm currently in the process of trying to get a dispatching job again, so I don't know what future mondays will bring!

Glad your sons x-rays came back normal, hope he gets better soon. Sounds like your daughter has a fun schedule, we don't do any of that, I consider where we live to be out in the boonies, so all that stuff is too far away.

Those kind of classes always seem to have a funny way of coming at the right time!

Hope your son feels better soon. It sounds like you are really going to be able to use what you learn at that class.

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